Busy Business Accounting Software
Busy accounting is a reliable, affordable & user-friendly business management software. It has
almost every feature you are looking for like accounting, inventory record, bill printing, calculation
of VAT, GST, Sales Tax. Service Tax, e-TDS, e-Filing, Excise, Job-work and so on. It is a
powerful, effective and flexible accounting software that controls and manages business activities
such as inventory, invoicing, income flow etc. in a safe and secure manner. Busy is used by the
businesses of all sizes, from a sole proprietorship to giant corporate houses.
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Wings Business Accounting Software
Wings Accounting was the first software product which went on to become extremely
popular and acquired a wide user base. Wings Accounting is now in its 19th version.
Wings is now a suite of several world class software products which include ERP for
Manufacturers & Traders, Distribution Management, ERP for Automobile Dealers
and OEMs, ERP for Electronics & Appliances Dealers, ERP for Distributors, ERP for
Booksellers, Payroll and Fixed Assets. Wings DMS is a fine dist
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Master Mind E-Tutor
Online learning, also known as E- learning, is the facilitation of training or education by electronic means. The
most common communication method is over the Internet. Online learning eliminates the restrictions of time and
place, and potentially means that anyone can achieve 100% success. In face to face learning we have to learn
at a specific time and place, and measure success with an assessment whether we are ready or not. Online
learning removes these barriers to learning.
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Tally.ERP 9
Tally.ERP 9 – the latest evolution of the Tally series-took 3 years and the dedicated efforts of 200
developers to create. It has grown from a basic accounting package into a simple-yet-sophisticated
business management software product. Comprehensive capabilities allow Tally.ERP 9 to meet the
needs of small to large businesses with dispersed operations. And traditional functions of a business are
handled as capably as the more advanced
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eMudhra is a Licensed Certifying Authority (CA) in India and provides retail issuance of Digital
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KAG School Resource Planning
School Resource Planning (SRP) has been designed keeping in view of the needs required for managing a school
effortlessly. Built with remarkably comprehensive features School Resource Planning (SRP) provides a powerful
integration of data between modules to ensure seamless exchange of data and generate various reports instantly
as and when required. An interactive and user-friendly software, School Resource Planning (SRP) incorporates the
best practices that enable all stakeholders of education to collaborate and make knowledge-driven decisions for the
development of the students. As a result it enhances the overall productivity of a school. It is our goal to provide the
most cost-effective school management system software that runs on minimal hardware.
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